Come Rain, Come Shine

Stories and fantasies about rainwear.
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Come Rain, Come Shine

Post by blackmacjay »

Part I

He had agonized for weeks. How to tell her about his secret? How could he put into plain words his love for her and to reveal safely a long-hidden side of his personality?

Would she reject the whole “thing” completely as kinky?

Could he describe how he knew she would look dressed as he imagined?

Dare he risk losing her?

At last, David had met this really neat lady. He was 64 and he’d seen her first in the grocery store. Kate was about 2 years younger than he and, at his invitation, was prepared to join him for a cup of coffee every once in a while. Then, the relationship progressed first to a dinner date and then to dinners at his or her house, then to a wonderful weekend away and then 6 months later to the prospect of living together. So, now, should he approach the “thing” or sublimate his desires in the totally unrealistic hope that they would never resurface?

At last, common sense prevailed and so, after dinner, one Tuesday, sitting by a newly started fire he took a deep breath and began.

“There are some things about me, I’m sure you don’t know.”

“Well,” she said, “that’s probably true for both us, especially as we’ve only been seeing each other for a few months.”

“Of course,” he replied, “but there are a few things I’ve told almost nobody and I’m so scared that I’ll frighten you away,” and his voice tailed off …

“David,” Kate said, “unless you’re a child molester or into necrophilia, there is not much that would deter me from continuing the relationship we’ve been building over these months. So, what is it?”

So, taking a very deep breath he said, ‘I’m turned on by some kinds of rainwear.”

The silence was deafening! And, he waited for the rejection which he, knew, had to be coming.

“I only have one raincoat,” she said softly, “And, it certainly isn’t too sexy by anyone’s standards. What did you have in mind?”

“I got some brochures from the Internet. Do you want to take a look?” David went up to his den and brought down the envelopes containing the catalogs he’d ordered via the Web and shyly handed them to Kate. “If you don’t like any of these, there are lots more that I didn’t send for,” he stammered.

Kate opened the first one and turned the pages without speaking for what, to David, seemed an eternity. Then she turned and smiled. “Some of these are very attractive,” she said. “Is this what you’ve been trying to tell me about for the last month? I knew there was something on your mind and I’ve been hoping you’d get to it.”

“Yes,’ David replied. “Well, now it’s in the open, what do you think?”

Kate thought for a moment, pushed her glasses up on her nose, and said, “Well, I don’t pretend to understand it yet but, it would perhaps help if we were to choose one for me and one for you. Or, don’t they come in men’s styles?”

“‘Oh yes,” answered David. “In fact there are some in the other catalog you have there.”

Thumbing through the pages again, Kate asked, “There are some terms I don’t know like single and double-textured. What’s the difference? And, which do you like?” Double-textured, David explained, meant that the rubber waterproofing is sandwiched between two layers of fabric while single-textured means that the rubber layer is a kind of lining.

‘Well,” said Kate, “if the attraction is the rubber and I can tell that it is, why would you want to hide it? So, I don’t think I’d choose that unless it’s what you’d prefer.”

David breathed another sigh of relief as, while it would be better than nothing, double-textured was his least favorite. “Actually, there are several that I really like, such as rubberized satin, rubberized polyester and ones made from SBR.”

“What’s SBR?” asked Kate, and David explained that it stood for shiny black rubber but that it also came in other colors such as white. “Oh, so with those, the rubber is on the outside but with rubberized satin it’s on the inside like a lining. Now, I’m confused about what I should get because I do like the sound of the satin but I am intrigued with the idea of a shiny white raincoat.”

“Why not get both?” said David, the words tumbling out.

“You’re on,” Kate answered, “but what about styles and colors.”

David helped Kate turn to the pages that had the color charts and it was then that Kate saw the prices. “Oh wow! These aren’t cheap are they so perhaps I should only get one?”

David pretended to think for a moment but he knew he wasn’t going to let anything get in the way now. “No, Kate, I’d like you to have one of each and we’re both going to need rainwear for the England trip in October.”

So, after much discussion, Kate chose an A-line style in shiny white and a navy blue rubberized satin belted style with a hood while for David they ordered a single textured cotton raincoat, again with a belt.

“Now, where did this raincoat thing start with you? It’s obviously an important part of David and I really want to understand.”

He tried to explain that he did not know where it had started. Somewhere, somehow, long ago, perhaps in childhood or even infancy something had triggered this …this. He struggled for the word. “This fetish,” he whispered. “As far as I know, I’ve always had it and I think I always will. And,” he added, “the worst aspect is that you know that no one else feels this way and that you’re all alone.”

“Well, now you’re not,” she said, “but keep talking.”

“In a way,” he continued, “after you, the second best thing that’s ever happened is the Internet because it showed me that there were thousands upon thousands with the same feelings. And, that really did help to lessen the guilt if not the loneliness.”

Kate smiled knowingly as only an intelligent woman can ………………

Part II

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of activity. Kate and David had decided to sell both their homes and buy a new one together so avoiding any “my house, your house” syndrome. They’d found the new house fairly easily and David’s old home sold quickly also but Kate’s took a little longer. However, she now had a buyer but they decided to live in Kate’s home while the new one was being remodeled to their taste.

Two days after David moved in, there was a note in the mailbox saying that a package requiring a signature was awaiting pickup at the post office. As David was away on yet another business trip, Kate decided that she would pick it up on her way home from work but decided to keep it as a surprise for David. She had a pretty good idea that it was their order and, if so, she planned to surprise him at the airport. Fortunately, it was early spring in Northern California, when rain was not only possible but also quite likely. With the mailbox notice in hand, Kate approached the counter and handed it over. The clerk grunted his acceptance and lurched off to get it. Kate was surprised at the size of the package he came back with and also, the weight. She had intended to hold off until David returned before opening the package but she couldn’t wait to try to understand the fascination these garments seemed to hold for him.

So, after getting home, she took a shower and, as she didn’t plan to go out again, she dressed in a pair of silk pajamas. With a glass of wine in hand, Kate went into the living room and opened up the package. The raincoats were in individual clear plastic bags and the first out of the box was David’s off-white cotton coat. In order to shake out any creases, Kate got a coat hanger, unzipped the plastic bag and took out the garment. Three things struck her immediately; the weight of the coat even though the fabric itself was lightweight cotton and the scent of the rubber backing which she found to be not unpleasant and put it down to the fact that the coat had been sealed up inside the plastic. She therefore guessed correctly, when she surmised that this would fade over time to a much less but still distinctive hint. However, the most surprising thing was the swishing sound as she unfolded it and placed it on the hanger.

Next, was the blue rubberized satin, which she opened, unfolded and slipped her arms in. On top of the previous surprises came two more; how wonderfully whisper-smooth the rubber lining felt against her bare arms and the coolness of the material as she fastened the buttons and cinched the belt around her waist. Standing up, she did a twirl in front of the dresser mirror and, again, was struck by the sensuous rustle that accompanied every movement.

Kate drew up the hood and was immediately in love again with the superb smoothness against her cheek. She also noticed that the raincoat was now warming to her body and she was pleased by that as she had been a little afraid that it would not be able to withstand the cool temperatures of Northern California winters. Taking a last look at her image in the mirror, Kate also marveled at the satin’s gloss, almost a glow and knew she had made a great color choice. She reluctantly took it off and hung it in the closet next to David’s and turned quickly to the shiny white rubber.

Again, as she slipped it on, a slight shiver went through her body due partly to the coolness of the coat but there was something else as well; a sensual excitement? As she started to fasten the coat, Kate was stunned to note that her nipples were erect and pushing through the silk of her pajama jacket. Kate was beginning to get a glimmer of David’s feelings, not nearly to the same extent as he but, nevertheless, she was starting to understand.

With the coat fastened, Kate took another look in the mirror and decided that, other than when wearing the beautiful lingerie David had given her at Christmas, she had never looked so sexy. She also felt sexy and could not resist stroking an already erect nipple through the shiny white rubber while the other hand dropped to her mound. Within a moment or so, she began to breathe heavily, her cheeks flushed, her knees felt as if they were about to give way and the familiar feeling of orgasm swept over her; perhaps not the most intense she’d ever felt but not bad for a slow Tuesday night, she grinned to herself. What was surprising, though, was that she’d achieved it alone and with little or no clitoral contact.

She considered calling David to tell him but realized that, as he was in Atlanta, he’d probably be in bed already and, anyway she didn’t want to rob him of the happiness he’d feel when she was in his arms while she told him all about it. Kate hung up the shiny white rubber raincoat with the others, cleaned her teeth, and went to bed After about a minute she got up again and took down the satin raincoat and draped it across her counterpane. She turned on to her side and fell asleep with one hand on the raincoat, while beginning to think of other erotic possibilities and there was still the distinctive, lingering swish every time she moved.. Kate sensed that part of the attraction would never leave her and it didn’t.

Part III

It was not often that Kate prayed for rain but the forecast for the next two days was for warm, spring weather. However, the day after that, a storm was brewing in the Pacific. Anyone, who has ever lived through a couple of winters in Northern California knows that most storms come from the Gulf of Alaska but the real, so-called, “gully washers” come from the South and when the storm track turns that way, look out! It’s known as the “pineapple express” because it contains the warm, wet winds from Hawaii. It was this picture that greeted Kate as she watched the morning news and then “The Weather Channel”. David was due to arrive at the airport in San Francisco at 4.00pm and Kate planned her day accordingly.

The first chore was grocery shopping and, apart from the everyday stuff, Kate bought a bottle of Domaine Chandon Brut Reserve, some sea scallops and two filet mignons. Leaving the store, she was gratified to see that that the skies were, indeed, darkening with rain clouds.

She went home, showered, toweled off and considered her lingerie choices. Kate had been brought up in the mini skirt era during which pantyhose was the norm. Many yeast infections later and, after many subsequent visits to her doctor, she had taken his advice and had chosen underwear that allowed a natural airflow. In fact, there were times when she chose to wear no panties at all, but today was not one. So she opted for a virgin-white garter belt with a matching French panty; her stockings were light-creamy beige, no bra and over it all a silk shirt and a silk knee-length skirt. Checking the mirror confirmed her beliefs; if she wore that outfit and stood with the light behind her, she’d get arrested.

So she said, “That justifies a raincoat; but which?” Kate’s mischievous nature opted for the satin and also decided to take David’s new raincoat as well. Just in case! “And, if it’s going to rain, I need boots.” She went back to her closet and chose her best buttery-soft cream boots with heels higher a little higher than she normally wore,

As Kate backed out of the garage the heavens opened and she turned the windshield wipers up to almost full while, at the same time, loosening the belt of her raincoat. Without, really meaning to, her fingers brushed the rubber-lined satin over her nipples and a, now familiar, feeling started to creep up on her. “Just concentrate and drive Kate,” she said to herself. The rain eased a little which made the drive less hazardous but she was forced to keep a little heat on to prevent the windshield from misting. And, every time she turned the wheel or reached to adjust the radio, there was that rustle of the rubberized satin and the brush of the rubber lining over her breasts and thighs.

Kate was also something of a linguistics buff and a little research on the Web had revealed that this sound that she was beginning to know so well even had a word to describe it. According to Picken’s “Dictionary of Costume and Fashion”, the word was “Susurrus” and was defined as “a whispering, rustling sound sometimes applied to the swishing sound of skirts”.

The events of September 11, and the enhanced airport security it triggered, meant that Kate couldn’t meet David at the gate nor would the police allow her to park outside the baggage claim area. So, she was forced to circle the terminal, slowing down as much as possible as she passed the passenger pickup area. On her third circuit, she refastened her raincoat, cinching the wide belt tight, which made the coat emphasize her waist and breasts as the satin was drawn taut over her body. Just as she’d done so she spotted David emerging with his suitcase and hit the horn to attract his attention. After a couple of seconds he recognized the car and hurried over.

Kate climbed out and pulled up the hood of her raincoat looked at him and said, “Welcome home!”

David’s gaze took in Kate’s smile and he could not believe his eyes. There was the love of his life wearing the most sensual, exciting rubber raincoat he’d ever seen. The navy blue satin glowed like a dark sapphire and was highlighted with raindrops that were beading up on the surface like little diamonds. David dropped his suitcase and took Kate in his arms, completely oblivious to the rain, which had intensified. He was immediately conscious of the smooth, silken feeling of the coat and the wonderful scent of Kate’s perfume as he buried his face against the hood covering Kate’s cheek while the coat whispered as he moved the material with his embrace.

“David,” she said at last, “you’re getting soaked.” Kate could see over David’s shoulder that a cop was approaching to move them on and was pulling out his citation book.

”Let’s get going before we get a ticket. I’ll drive and you get out of that wet old raincoat and see what’s in the back seat.”

After throwing his suitcase and laptop computer case into the trunk, he climbed into the passenger seat and Kate drove off. At Kate’s bidding he shrugged off his old trench coat and reached into the back seat for his new one, all the while not taking his eyes off her and shaking his head in disbelief.

“You look absolutely amazing,” he said.

“Do you like it?” she asked.

“Like it, like it?” he repeated, “I love it! But more importantly do you?”

“Oh yes,” she replied, “perhaps not with your passion but I have to admit it’s really attractive and very practical; just look outside. My old raincoat would have been useless in this and, oh by the way, I’ve given that away to Goodwill.”

David had by now put on his new rubberized cotton raincoat and Kate smiled appraisingly. “How does it feel?” she asked, “I must say you look very smart,” and she put out her hand to stroke the fabric.

“Kate, it feels wonderful; and by the way did your other coat come as well?” Kate explained that it had and she liked it too as it reminded her of a PVC raincoat she’d once owned back in college.

But, she went on to say,” I could only wear one of them today and I thought the hood on this one was more practical. Besides.” she added, “that will be another treat for you when we get home; always assuming we ever get out of this traffic”.

Part IV

Kate pulled into their driveway, breathed a sigh of relief, and said again, “Welcome home.”

“It’s so good to be home but I don’t think we are going to be lighting a barbecue fire in this weather,” said David.

“No problem,” replied Kate, “we’ve got some pate to start with and I’ll just sauté the sea scallops. But first I need to get out of this silk shirt and skirt as I’ll only splatter them as I cook.”

Kate took off her raincoat and hung it up next to David’s. “I’m glad you like it David. You know what I found surprising about all three?” she asked. He shook his head as he started to unpack his carry-on bag.

“Well,” she started, “first the weight. It really makes a substantial garment even with a lightweight fabric and that’s good because you know I’m usually cold. Then there is that wonderful swishing, rustling noise every time you move which I’m really starting to be turned on by. Last, but my no means least, it’s the smoothest, silkiest feel I’ve experienced in any fabric and I love the way it starts out cool and then warms to my body.” David smiled to himself, ecstatic with the thought that she just might become as turned on has he one day.

“I’m going to grab a quick shower,” he said.

“I’ll get you a bathrobe,” said Kate and she pulled on a full-length silky housecoat over her stockings and panties. A pair of medium-heel slippers on her feet, Kate went down to start getting dinner together.

“Kate,” David smiled, “thanks, that was great and I’ll go and load the dishwasher.” He returned in a few minutes with the remaining wine and topped up Kate’s glass. They watched the evening news together and Kate noticed that David’s head had started to nod.

“Hey, sleepy head,” she said, “how about an early night?”

“Sorry,” he replied, “but what with the wine and the journey and my body still thinks its on East Coast time, I am tired but you haven’t shown me the shiny white raincoat yet.”

Kate turned off the TV while David checked the front door and followed her up stairs. As they reached their bedroom, David groaned as the phone in his home office rang. It was David’s boss calling him to congratulate him on the success of his trip and to add his own welcome home message. In the meantime, Kate had slipped of her robe and donned the shiny white rubber, starting slightly at the coolness against her bare breasts and back. She fastened the buttons and completed the picture with a pair of high heel shoes.

David walked into the bedroom and there was Kate dressed in shiny white rubber with her arms outstretched. “Welcome home again,” she said quietly. “How do I look?”

His voice shook as he said “It’s amazing, totally amazing,” and he took her in his arms and kissed her as his hands stroked her rubber-covered back and buttocks. “You look,” he said, “exactly, as I’d hoped you’d look and enjoying it, right?” “You didn’t have time for the bottom button,” he added, dropping to his knees, “I’ll get it”. As he did, he sensed Kate’s essence mingled with that of her raincoat, so he opened the coat, saw her beautiful silk French knickers and the garter belt and stockings framing her vagina. “Just stand there,” he said, and he lifted the hem of the shiny white rubber aside, and inhaled the combined scent.

He drew aside the left leg of her knickers, opened her labia and found her clitoris, first with his fingers and then with his tongue while Kate enveloped his head under the rubber with one hand, while the other teased her nipples through the coat.

“Oh,” she whimpered, “Please, don’t stop! I’m coming real soon,” and with a shuddering orgasm, she collapsed, holding on to his shoulders. He laid her down on the bed, as she giggled, “Please undress me and then if you don’t have to go to sleep just yet, can we talk for a little while?”

With his arm around her she asked, “David, would you get my satin raincoat and your new one out of the closet and spread them across the bed”? “I’d like to feel them as I go to sleep. Mine reminds me of sex and yours reminds me of you. I’ve got one more question,” but as she heard a faint but satisfied snore, she knew it would have to wait for tomorrow.
Posts: 989
Joined: February 2nd, 2010, 3:34 am

Re: Come Rain, Come Shine

Post by mason »

I'm really enjoying your very interesting, erotic and well-written story so far....

is there any more to come?
Peter Haaswijk
Posts: 118
Joined: January 26th, 2010, 9:40 pm
Location: The Netherlands- Z Holl.

Re: Come Rain, Come Shine

Post by Peter Haaswijk »

And they lived long and happy. ;) ;)

Nice story ,I wished it happened here also like in the story .
Greetings, Peter
Posts: 275
Joined: January 19th, 2010, 9:15 pm

Re: Come Rain, Come Shine

Post by Jjai »

Well done Blackmacjay this is pretty good , will there be more to come? I hope so.
This tale seems more likely than some as by the age of the characters in the story they would probably have experienced that type of rainwear while growing up and into their thirties.
Posts: 707
Joined: February 4th, 2010, 7:32 pm

Re: Come Rain, Come Shine

Post by blackmacjay »

Yes, there is lots more and I'll try to post another chunk later this morning.
Posts: 707
Joined: February 4th, 2010, 7:32 pm

Come Rain, Come Shine - Parts V and VI

Post by blackmacjay »

Part V

Kate stirred, lifted her head and looked at the room. In the dawn light there were stockings, panties, a garter belt, raincoats everywhere, that scent and when she got out of bed, that noise, susurrus. About five minutes later, she came back upstairs with her tea and his coffee.

Being a neat freak at heart, she tiptoed around the master suite picking up last night’s detritus. She was almost finished but as she swept up Jack’s raincoat from the floor and looked around for the hanger, he stirred.

“I recognize that sound,” said Jack, leaning up on one elbow, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“Good morning,” Kate replied, “and its name is Susuruss, she announced proudly.

“What is?” asked Jack.

“That, sexy, swishy, rustly, whispery, rubbery raincoaty sound, I looked it up on the Web”, Kate answered.

“Does the scent have a word as well?” he asked. Kate thought for a moment and said, “Not yet but I’ll work on it”

“How does the weather look”, asked Jack.

Kate tweaked back the curtains and peered out “well the good news is that we’ll be able to barbecue tonight but the bad news is that it doesn’t look like appropriate raincoat weather, which brings me to the question I was going to ask last night. “Which is,” she said, “Our raincoats are really meant for going out. Can we buy some other rubber garments for more private moments? What’s out there and what do you like?”

Jack looked a little sheepish; “Well…” he started.”

“You’ve already got something new, haven’t you?”

Jack explained that he’d bought this robe way before he met Kate and she demanded that he put it on. Jack went to a dresser drawer and lifted out something folded in a bed sheet.

He unwrapped it and drew out the light blue rubber bathrobe with a contrasting belt of the same material. Kate stroked the glossy rubber and lifted it to her nose. “So far, so good,” she said, “please put it on and come back to bed and tell me all about it.” Jack complied, turned back the sheets and lost himself in Kate’s welcoming arms. She stroked his back, his buttocks and his thighs through the rubber robe. Jack felt his erection growing and so did Kate as she slid one hand to bid it welcome. “Jack,” she whispered, “this time, I’d like you to make love to me ‘doggy style’ so, let me kneel on the bed and you stand behind me”.

Jack got up, his robe giving out the characteristic rustle and approached Kate from behind. She reached back to guide him in and moaned, “Make it slow and deep and give me rubber contact with my butt and thighs and, if you can lean over that far, with my nipples”. Kate knew that this was Jack’s favorite position and hers too. She also knew that this was the position that allowed her to be in control and prolong the coupling almost as long as she wished. “Bend over a little more, if you can, go a little deeper, and swish the rubber over my breasts.” Jack had held off for as long as he could but after two more seconds he exploded, as did Kate. They collapsed onto the bed, separated, hugged and slept.

A little later, Jack woke up with half his rubber robe trapped under Kate but as he didn’t want to disturb he rolled out of the sleeves and headed to the shower.

Part VI

Almost ten days had gone by and, it was now Kate who wanted to hear from the catalog companies they’d found on the Web. She was really thinking about a rubber caftan because she’d tried on Jack’s robe, liked the feel, but knew she wanted her own in her size.

Then, the weatherman predicted another storm for the day after tomorrow and that was the day she was scheduled to meet her friends for lunch at their favorite restaurant in the Napa valley. For once, the weatherman was right and another late spring rainstorm hit Northern California. A flurry of phone calls later and a couple of cancellations led Kate to contemplate her rainwear choices yet again. And, this time she had no hesitation in choosing the shiny white rubber but wondered what she should wear beneath it. As she contemplated her options, the phone rang again and it was her English friend Stephanie asking if Kate could pick her up on the way. Kate agreed and went on surveying her closet. Eventually, she chose a deep beige cotton sweater, matching slacks and light brown ankle boots. Then donning the SWR raincoat and buttoning it completely including the one at her throat, Kate grabbed her keys and her walking-length red umbrella and made a run for the car.

Ten minutes later she was in Stephanie’s driveway and beeped her horn. Stephanie looked out of her bedroom window and waved. Then she was out of the front door, running toward the car, desperately trying to protect her hair from the downpour. She wrenched open the passenger side door, tossed the fold-up umbrella into the back and leapt in. “This is worse than England,” she said, “I thought that I was leaving this stuff behind when I moved to California.”

“Oh wow,” she added, “look at you, I love the mac.”

“First time out,” replied Kate, “what do you think?”

Stephanie stroked Kate’s sleeve and said, “It’s rubber and I bet it wasn’t cheap. I like it but isn’t it hot to wear?”

“Well,” said Kate, “it does warm to my body but that suits me fine especially in this weather. So, is a ‘mac’ what we call a raincoat?”

“It’s short for mackintosh, which I think was the name of the guy who first came up with the process of making fabrics waterproof by coating them with rubber.”

“I like both names and I’ll tell Jack that in future we’re wearing macs or mackintoshes”, said Kate. “Oh super,” Stephanie said, “so, he has one as well?” “Yes, he does and I think that both he and I look terribly sexy in them.” “You certainly do,” said Stephanie, “but you do know that wearing rubber has kind of a ‘kinky’ reputation? In fact, there’s almost a complete industry devoted to it.” “One of the benefits of being my age is that I care less and less about what ‘some’ people think,” replied Kate, “all I know is, my mac is attractive, practical and Jack and I like it.”

“Can I try it on?” asked Stephanie. “Sure,” said Kate, “come back with me after lunch and you can try this one and my rubberized satin and, before you ask, I bought two because I couldn’t make my mind up.” When they reached the restaurant, their other friends were already at their usual table just inside the entrance. Stephanie went in first, held open the door and announced, “Tada, please greet Kate in her new kinky rubber mac.” Kate blushed a little to herself but did the rounds of hellos while her friends stroked the rubber surface and asked where she’d bought it. She explained that it had come from England from a company that sold over the Internet. “Well, that makes sense,” Stephanie said, “as, believe it or not, it rains even more there than it does here.”

Kate took off her mac and draped it over the back of a spare chair, excused herself and went to the bathroom. Valerie, another of the foursome, said conspiratorially, “I bet it’s Jack’s choice because isn’t rubber kind of a male thing?” “What the hey?” said Anne, the last of the group, “even if it was his idea, at least, she obviously likes it too and, as far as I’m concerned if it makes ‘em happy that’s all I care about. And I’ve got to admit, it is very stylish and that swish when it moves is sort of nice.” “But wouldn’t the smell get to you?” asked Valerie, “Not to me,” replied Stephanie, “in fact, I like it” Then Kate returned to the table, the foursome consulted menus and the conversation turned to other topics.

Just before they asked for the bill, another couple were leaving the restaurant and stopped by their table. “Excuse me,” said the woman, “but, we couldn’t help noticing your raincoat, can you tell me where you got it?” Kate explained that it had come from England and the woman nodded and said, “Thanks, it’s really beautiful.”

Back at home, Jack was out and Kate went upstairs to fetch her satin mac while Stephanie used the bathroom. When she came out, Stephanie grinned deliciously and said, “I’ve just remembered something. A couple of months ago, Mark and I had been out with Anne and Steve for dinner and it was my turn to drive. Anyway, on the way home, Mark asked me if I remembered that, way back in the 1960s, I wore a ‘Playtex’ girdle. Of course, he was half ‘sozzed’ at the time but I asked him why. He said that he loved the feel of my bum under the latex and the smell of it combined with me when we made love. And, then he asked,” she continued, “Do you still have it?” “No, Mark I don’t; that’s thirty odd years ago, does it matter?” “Well I liked the feel and the smell so I just wondered…” “Do you think that he’s into latex and, by the way, what’s the difference between rubber and latex?” Kate shrugged in response and said, “Hey I’m a neophyte in this scene so try on a raincoat or two, sorry, mackintosh, and we’ll check the Web.

Kate brought in a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, while Stephanie called her husband Mark and he agreed to pick her up in about half an hour. Kate gave a glass to Stephanie who took a swig, stood up and pronounced, “It’s kinky rubber mac time!” She picked up the SWR mackintosh, touched it to her face, inhaled the scent and slipped her arms inside. Again, she gasped at the coolness but quickly fastened the buttons and looked at herself in the hall mirror.

She spun around on her tiptoes and expressed pleasure at the way the mac looked for, except that the sleeves were too long, it fitted fairly well. That was a disappointment to Stephanie until Kate told her that every garment was made to measure. “Oh, you mean they’re all custom made so you can get exactly what you want in size, style, fabric and so on?” “Of course,” said Kate, “which accounts for the higher price,” and she showed Stephanie the catalog they’d used for their first purchases.

Stephanie took a walk up and down the hallway, swirling and swishing as she went. “You know,” she said “this is starting to grow on me but I think I’d opt for a fuller skirt.” So Kate suggested she try the blue, rubberized satin. Stephanie draped the shiny white rubber on the couch, donned the satin and walked to the mirror, fastening buttons as she went. Kate followed her and, from behind, tightened the broad belt around her waist. Then, turning Stephanie around to face her, Kate bent down to fasten the bottom two buttons and stood to make her belt even tighter and to pull down the skirt of the mac so that her breasts were wonderfully delineated. Finally, she lifted up the hood around Stephanie’s face and fastened the neck strap. Stephanie stared at her image in the hall mirror but decided she needed to see the big picture and so ran upstairs to Kate’s bedroom.

Kate was about to follow when the doorbell rang which she answered. “Steph, it’s Mark,” she called and Stephanie swished her way downstairs. Mark literally took a step back and stared. Eventually, he managed to croak, “Stephanie you look incredible. How did you know?” Stephanie laughed and said, “I didn’t know until this moment but now I do. But this is Kate’s, look the sleeves are too long for me.” And, she held out her arms to show that she had turned the sleeves of the mackintosh back exposing its exquisite rubber lining. “Don’t worry though,” she added, “I’m going to join the kinky rubber mac movement so warm up your American Express card.” With that, she took off the raincoat, handed it to Kate and put on her own. She wrinkled her nose in mock disgust. “What a letdown! Kate, give me a call when it’s OK to come over to check out the catalogs. Come on you,” she said to Mark, “it’ll be worth waiting for.”
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