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Teacher's Pet comments & a sneak preview of my new story!

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 3:36 am
by mason
I've also been enjoying your very interesting story as well. Although total domination and discipline of the kind described in your story is not really my thing, I'm certainly enjoying the PVC rainwear fetish elements of your tale very much!!

I'm still working on my story which, by now, has somewhat gotten out of control: it's become a novel! LOL

Here's an (unedited) excerpt just to whet your interest:

My humiliation was total, complete. I wanted to die while I incredulously studied the items that I was apparently expected to wear to bed tonight. This just was not happening! Surely what I’d done hadn’t been that bad. This was nothing more than cruel and unusual punishment. “Mum … Do I have to wear these awful rubber pants?” I moaned. The last time I’d worn rubber pants to bed was years ago now when she was satisfied that I’d stopped wetting the bed. I hadn’t forgotten the rubber regime she’d imposed on me: how could I? A thick rubber sheet on my bed and equally thick, gluey skin-tight rubber pants that I had to wear day and night. They were so hot and sticky whenever the mercury climbed anything above freezing. I’d hated every moment of it. I’d never thought I would see my hated rubber pants again. After all, I was sixteen going on seventeen now. I was an adult now. I was not a baby anymore!

“I do not give a continental what you think!” my mother angrily replied. “You are going to wear them and that’s all I have to say on the subject.” She advanced on me like a rampaging tyrannosaur. “Now … put them ON!” she demanded.

“But why?” I whined.

“Do I have to remind you?” Mum sighed heavily, deeply as if she’d learned I’d been sentenced to life in jail; which in a sense, I might as well have been. I could not imagine wearing anything more babyish or embarrassing than rubber pants. Nobody else my age wore anything like rubber pants. They got to wear proper cotton jocks. “Why do you think I am punishing you, Doug?”

I rolled my eyes. Oh, I remembered all right. I’d got caught in the rain without my light raincoat last week and my brand new school uniform was all but ruined in the downpour. To top it off, I’d also caught a nasty cold and missed almost a whole week of school. “I guess so,” I sulkily replied.

“Don’t answer back, boy!” I shrank backwards. Mum was really angry. Her eyes only glitter like that when she’s madder than a cornered rattlesnake. “What did I say about wearing your raincoat when it is wet? I told you how important it is to stay dry so you do not get wet and catch a cold. You disobeyed me, and now you will pay the price for it. You will wear your rubber pants twenty-four hours a day, yes, that’s day and night from now on until I decide you have learned your lesson, young boy.” Her voice sharpened to the point it could have cut glass. “I feel that I have been too lax with you. Starting tomorrow, you will wear your new rubber mackintosh, which I bought for you today from Debenhams, rain hat and rain boots to school, rain or shine whether you like it or not.” She paused before continuing. “I will inform your teachers that you are to wear your rubber pants and mackintosh to, and from school without fail every day from now on.”

“Aw, Mum!” I wailed. What would all my friends say? I would become a social pariah. Girls don’t want to go out with guys who wear rubber pants or raincoats to school. Period. Didn’t she understand that?

“Aw, nothing!” She glared full in my face. “NOW PUT YOUR RUBBER PANTS ON!”

I knew what Mum was capable of when she was angry. There was simply no reasoning with her when she was in this kind of mood. I felt my face burning while I reluctantly slipped my shorts and jocks down my legs. My willy (did I tell you that I’m not allowed to refer to it as a penis, much less “cock?”) shrivelled to nothing beneath her basilisk glare.

“Hurry up!”

I could not believe how oily smooth my horrid rubber pants were. They were almost greasy to the touch and I recoiled from their clingy embrace as I pulled them all the way up my legs, past my thighs before adjusting the strong elastic waist band somewhere below my belly button. My rubber pants were so tight that they wear, literally, a second skin. Already the tight-fitting rubber was heating up and gluing itself to my tingling skin and … I flushed hotly again. Why was my cock (I’m going to write this my way, ok?) betraying me like this? My brain refused to register the fact that the rubber was having an altogether unintended – and decidedly unwelcome – effect upon me. My boner was so big that Mum could not possibly miss it. That’s the other thing about rubber. It doesn’t hide much. She didn’t say anything but I could see the amusement in her eyes as she said, “That’s better. You may put your shorts back on, but if you take your rubber pants off for any reason tonight, I will be very cross with you. Do you understand?”

I could feel my face flaming as I sullenly nodded. Why were they affecting me like this so much? ‘I hate you, Mum.’

“Doug!” Cross.

“Yes … I understand,” I sighed. ‘Fuck you, Mum.’ I had no intention of wearing my awful rubber pants all night long. I would wait until they were all abed before taking them off. It was already almost nine. I wouldn’t have to wear them much longer.

She glanced at the clock. “It’s almost nine now. Brush your teeth and go to bed now.”

“Oh, come on, Mum!” I protested. “That’s too early!”

“You are being punished, remember,” she smoothly replied. “You have school tomorrow and I want you to be fresh and ready for class tomorrow.”

Now I knew how a condemned prisoner feels before walking outside to meet his Maker tomorrow morning. My life, as I knew it, was about to end the moment I entered school. “Am I allowed a last dinner?” I sarcastically retorted.

“Oh, shut up, Doug!” Mum snapped. “One more word out of you and I will really be angry. I am absolutely, deadly serious, mark my words. Your recent behaviour leaves a lot to be desired and I will no longer tolerate any more nonsense from you. Now go and brush your teeth, then lights out.”

Even God had forgotten about me, I miserably thought while I carefully brushed my teeth. My rubber pants clung to my thighs and bum while I leant forward to see what I was doing. I could feel the smooth, thick heavy rubber squelching against my skin every time I shifted position. Why was my little prick betraying me like this? I could feel it straining against the unyielding rubber and I blushed heavily. Was I going crazy? I could not believe that I actually liked the way the rubber felt. It was a warm, sticky second skin and I could not resist massaging my tumescent thing through the layer of rubber covering everything. Oops, Big mistake. It instantly grew still bigger and harder if such a thing was possible. My shame was growing by the minute while I fondled myself. What was I doing?

It almost came as a relief when I heard my mother’s sharp voice calling me with barely concealed impatience. I sighed and put my things away. Did I mention that my sainted mother is also a neat freak?

Oh my God …! I stared in horror. Mum had not been idle while I was away. She’d replaced my soft, comfortable cotton sheets with a brand new bright red rubber sheet. Even my pillowcase had been replaced with another impossibly smooth, gleaming rubber item. The aroma of newly minted rubber was overpowering. “From now on, you will wear your rubber pants and sleep on your rubber sheets until I see some improvement in your behaviour,” Mum said in a very stern voice. “They will not come off until then. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Mum…” I sighed. What else could I say?

“Good night, Doug,” Mother said in a somewhat gentler voice as she pulled the blankets over me before adding, “Remember what I said though: you are to leave your rubber pants on … or else.”

Yeah, yeah … How could she punish or humiliate me any more than I already was? “Good night.” I just wanted her to go away. The sooner my parents went to sleep, the better, so I could take my humiliating rubber pants off as soon as possible. I would put them on just before rising.

Little did I know my mother had other ideas.

The usual night noises slowly filtered upstairs before penetrating my bedroom door. They were so familiar, so comforting that I barely took any notice of them. The dog barking outside. Doors closing. Toilet flushing. I did not want to think about what they did after lights out. They were too old for that kind of thing. I laid in an agony of impatience as the house settled down. It was an unreasonably warm night and I could feel sweat beginning to form beneath my rubber pants. I closed my eyes before sighing softly. Understanding why I liked these strange new sensations invading my body was impossible. My rubber pants had to come off now otherwise I would be lost.

I listened. The house was quiet. It was safe to risk removing my protective underwear.

The immense, overwhelming sense of relief as I slipped everything down my legs was so vast that I can’t describe it. I flung them aside. Another mistake. Nevertheless, I could not help feeling ever so slightly lost without their comforting embrace. I felt much better now I no longer had to confront my growing feelings towards such a humiliating, babyish piece of apparel. Besides … why should I have to wear something like these? I was no longer a kid! I thought angrily. Eventually I began to drift into that delicious half-state between awareness and sleep.

Something was shaking me roughly and I groaned. I couldn’t believe it was morning already. Screaming. The shaking increased. “Wha…” I groggily slurred as I blearily blinked. The light was very bright and it hurt my eyes. But … it was still dark outside.

“Hare dare you …” I heard. “… take your rubber pants off!”

Oh no… my heart sank like a stone as I suddenly woke. How did she know?

“I should have known I could not trust you!” I’d never seen Mum so angry and I shrank away from her. “What did I say earlier? Leave your rubber pants on! HOW DARE YOU TAKE THEM OFF!” she shouted. “You are in big trouble now, boy. I told you to wear them or else. Now put them back ON!”

“Aw Mum … They’re so hot and uncomfortable!” I complained. “I don’t want to wear them. Please … don’t make me wear them.”

Her face was stony while she studied me. “I don’t want to hear any more ifs, buts or maybes from you!” she snarled. “You will wear your rubber pants whether you like it or not! Now put them back on!”

This was worse than any nightmare I’d endured. I could not believe this was happening while I slowly dragged my rubber pants up my legs again before slipping them back into position. “Now wait here,” my mother ordered. “I see that I cannot trust you so I am going to punish you.”

Re: Teacher's Pet comments & a sneak preview of my new story

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 7:45 am
by hotwilly
Quite promising Mason, look forward to the novel....(Written from the heart - real life ?)

Re: Teacher's Pet comments & a sneak preview of my new story

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 8:27 am
by mason
hotwilly wrote:Quite promising Mason, look forward to the novel....(Written from the heart - real life ?)
Written from the heart ... yes - real life ... no :-((

Re: Teacher's Pet comments & a sneak preview of my new story

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 11:05 am
by hotwilly
Nice story - hope to read completed version when it is ready - thanks

Re: Teacher's Pet comments & a sneak preview of my new story

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 7:39 pm
by Rives
A great story combining rainwear, discipline, punishment and humiliation

Re: Teacher's Pet comments & a sneak preview of my new story

Posted: August 17th, 2014, 2:42 pm
by Rives
Did anything else come of this please?