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Shiny macs in John Lewis !

Posted: November 10th, 2012, 12:21 pm
by Macklovin
The other day I was walking around the menswear department of John Lewis in Kingston, wearing one of my shiny black pvc macs, when I noticed one of the male staff, smiling at me. He introduced himself and started asking about my shiny mac and being very complimentary about it.
He told me that he'd seen me several times before in the shop and had hoped to have a chat with me regarding my pvc coat.
To my pleasant surprise, he told that many people had seen me around town, admired the coat and had come in to the shop asking if they sold this kind of shiny plastic mac ! He'd said to them that if he saw me again he would ask me and write down where I purchased it from. So I told him that this particular mac came from pvc u like.

This was a very encouraging conversation as it demonstrates that there are far more people interested in shiny pvc rainwear than we may possibly imagine.
The man in the shop mentioned that the people who had been enquiring were of a very wide variety. Young, old, couples, etc.
Would be great to see a big shop like Lewis' stocking our favourite clothing.
One day, hopefully...

Re: Shiny macs in John Lewis !

Posted: November 10th, 2012, 7:14 pm
by merv
a nice idea but would it actually happen, would be interesting to see whether men would actually buy and wear such items, certainly being in a store like John Lewis would give them much more creedence