Caught in the rain

Stories and fantasies about rainwear.
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Caught in the rain

Post by JellyMan »

Not explicit, but quit naughty, with PVC, nylon and destruction.

The wind was ferocious, and the rain was stinging Clare’s uncovered face. Her hood was drawn tight to stop it whipping off in the gale. She could just about hear the patter of drops on the shiny hood over the howling storm. There is always something satisfying to be snuggled and warm under your cagoule and over-trousers as the weather was doing it’s best to get through the protection. Ryan could just fuck off. He’d stood her up yet again, and now she was just a little nervous of going out alone, especially in this weather, but she was experienced, there were no dangers expected, and her rucksack had just about everything needed to fend off the worst storm, save for a tent and the kitchen sink! She dug her hands deep into her pockets, savouring the rubbery lining of her Peter storm jacket.

The ridge gave way to a wooded area as the light faded and the storm abated slightly, plus the trees afforded some protection against the wind. Overcast conditions meant the light was dim, despite it being only mid-morning. Dark enough so that She walked right past the crouching figure, alerted only by a moaning sound. Clare released the toggles on the cords that fastened the shiny hood, not essential now that the wind had lessened, but still a nice feeling to be cocooned against the shiny lining of the cagoule. She turned and saw a pale figure curled up under a tree.
“Oh my God, are you ok?”, she called out, and bent down to check. It was a man, she took a step back in wariness. The figure was wearing only soaking wet white underpants, “what happened to you? How did you get here?”
The teacher could see he was shivering and hugging himself against the cold and rain. For as long as she could remember, helping people was in her blood, and the delight of seeing a child learn was her passion, but her caring side could meant she was compelled to help, even a sodding man!
“We need to get you warm and dry as soon as we can, or you’ll get hypothermia”.
She bent down and shielded the figure from the rain, then took her trusty towel out of the rucksack and handed it to him, “dry yourself off and we’ll get you sorted”.

Simon shivered uncontrollably, barely able to register the figure standing near him. But strangely, the events of last night were lucid, and played over and over in his mind. The way that Carl had undressed him; unable to resist having had his drink spiked. The way the lads laughed at him as they walked away. It was a warm evening, no reason to worry, Simon would always find his way home. He wasn’t sure who he was more mad at, Carl or Penny. How could his fiancée do that to him the day before their wedding, and how dare Carl silence him, just when he wanted to rip the bastard’s throat out! It had turned out to be the stag do from hell.

Simon held out a hand a took the towel, but was too weak to make any progress, especially as cold rain was still coming down hard.
Clare took it back from him, “may I?”, she offered. The man offered no resistance.
She quickly dried his body and arms as best She could.
Then Clare stooped down and pulled her beloved Peter Storm over her head, then gathered the cagoule, making sure to keep the inside as dry as possible, and dropped it over the man’s head. Almost instantly he perked up, presumably from the remaining warmth of Clare’s body heat.
He offered his arms up feebly, and she helped slip his hands into the crinkly sleeves.
Clare looked at Simon’s pale wet legs, he had perked up, but still close to hypothermia, she needed to do more.
She stood up and grabbed the waist of her navy PVC over trousers and pulled them down, then stepping out, she handed them to Simon.
“You’ll need to lose the underwear too, or the wet will keep you cold”, she said.
Simon stood very unsteadily, bracing himself against a tree. He put his thumbs into the waist band of his Calvin Klein underpants, but the wet and his weak state meant he could not get the elastic down more than two centimetres.
Clare stepped forward, “I’ll help you, and promise not to look”.
Simon was beyond any thoughts of a sexual nature, the cold was coming back fast, and he struggled to remember what was going on.
The teacher pulled the white underwear from under his feet and dried him quickly with the towel, trying not to cause a reaction in his manhood, but knowing that she must get him as dry as possible.
She lifted his left leg, and despite leaning against the elm tree, he nearly fell over. She eased his foot into the shiny over-trousers and slipped them up until they were on properly. He shivered uncontrollably as his body fought to warm itself.

Simon entered the pub, already having taken down several shots for Dutch courage. He was a few minutes early, and wasn’t surprised to see his friends still putting up the banner above the bar saying “Good Luck Wedding Boy, now sod off!”. But didn’t expect to see Carl with Penny. They made their excuses about the kiss, but Simon wasn’t so sure, and was on edge the rest of the evening, despite his friends attempts to lighten the mood. Eventually his worse fears came true when it was clear that Carl was intent on making him miss his own wedding. Carl had been a good mate, but a Simon always knew he had a selfish streak, and did seem overly friendly when they were introduced the night that Penny first wore her black shiny PVC leggings and oversized patent leather DMs.

Clare pulled Simon to her and hugged him, rubbing her hands vigourosly up and down his nylon clad back, “we need to get you warm, this will help, but if you get any wrong ideas I warn you that I am a black belt in Judo”, she said in a comforting tone that contained a strong hint of ‘don’t fuck with me’. She hoped he would see through her little lie.
Simon was beginning to feel a bit warmer, but his feet were numb with cold.
“We need to find some shelter, soon my clothes will be soaking too, then we will both be in a pickle”, Clare said, taking hold of Simon’s arm and encouraging him to move. Simon felt comforted by the cool smooth lining of his outfit against bare skin, even if he was still very cold, and this close to Clare felt good, she wasn’t classically pretty like Penny, but something about her made him feel he wanted to get to know her more, if only he didn’t do anything stupid like dying!
They stumbled through the trees, Simon concentrating on not standing on anything sharp, Clare scanning around for some form of protection from the rain, which appeared to be getting heavier again.

Clare was worried for the man, but could feel the wet had penetrated through her own clothes without Peter Storm’s protection. Simon had given little away of himself, which was understandable, but he seemed OK. Something about the rain pelting down on HER cagoule and over trousers on HIM was vaguely sexy, knowing he was naked underneath. But this was a time for survival, not naughty thoughts, but still, he did have a seriously good looking bum!

An abandoned hut came in to view across a clearing ahead of them, it was on the edge of a row of trees, and they would have to brave the extra wind across the open ground to get to it. Clare shivered. Simon felt it difficult to concentrate, he was starting to forget what was doing on as he never really warmed from when he was naked earlier, and the teacher struggled to persuade him to move forwards.

The door of the hut had rotted away to nothing. The walls were brick and despite the huge hole in the tiled roof, Clare was glad to see a large area intact enough to be dry underneath. The air was heavily musty from damp and old age, but they both felt the instant relief of being out of the wind, although Simon’s mind was wondering what pink frogs were doing floating around them singing Christmas carols. Clare busied herself looking around the hut for any scraps of wood and paper that she could use to make a fire, and soon was crouched down striking a match; she was relieved that the hole in the roof drew the smoke up and out, and didn’t fill the hut. She sat back for a moment, then shivered, realising that she too was succumbing to the cold wet, despite being inside she was soaked through.

Simon watched as Clare peeled off her jumper, hampered by the heavy wet wool dragging on her pale skin. He was still out of it and needed more heat. The teacher dried herself with the small towel, but now wasn’t sure what to do next. She looked at Sion who seemed in a world of his own. She was shy, but decided she needed to get her soaking trousers off, and doubted that the man would take any notice of her plastic knickers. Ryan was not there to tell her she was a weirdo and she was sure Simon would mistake the shininess of the blue vinyl for dampness, but was a bit worried that they were slightly see-through, but going naked was not an option, besides she lived in hope of finding a partner who would understand that soft PVC against skin was pleasurable, but it was not entirely clear that this man would survive if she didn’t get them both warm and dry. She checked her phone again, still no signal.

She definitely had too much to drink, but despite that, was still very careful to ensure nobody spiked her drinks. Ryan seemed like a good bloke - he was a bit full of himself and the banter with his mates verged on sexist quite a lot. But here they were, in his flat, and away from the pub he seemed less loutish and more caring. He’d peeled off her white blouse over her head without unbuttoning it and unfastened her bra before she could stop him, but her hand was caressing the bulge in his leather trousers, and things were looking up! His hands caressed her bottom with both hands and she hoped he was turned on by her black shiny PVC leggings. Getting them off was not easy, it had been hard enough getting in to them, but alcohol was not helping when it came to the urgent need to get undressed. It wasn’t helping that he was trying to get them down, and between the pair of them, they made little progress. Clare got the giggles, and fell back on the bed, that seemed to annoy Ryan, and he grabbed the waistband and ripped it down forcefully, painfully scratching her thighs and ripping the fabric. She looked over at her favourite leggings and the huge tear, but was distracted by Ryan bearing down on her, “what the fuck are those”, he pointed to Clare’s clear plastic g-string, “why are you wearing weird knickers?”
She tried to make something up,”I couldn’t wear normal pants under those leggings, they were far too tight, you’d have seen the outline”.
“So what?”, he sneered.
“So girls hate visible panty line”, she replied.
“Weird!”, he said, and grabbed the garment roughly and with a yank it was ripped off and tossed aside.
Clare wanted out, by Ryan was having his way with her, end of story,

Simon watched the woman towelling herself off. He loved the way her hands went over the curves of her rounded body, “you should get out of those wet pants, I promise not to look”, he said, the most lucid he’d been for a while, believing the shine was dampness.
“You should have your trousers back”, and he stood up and started to pull the rain pants down, “I’m dry enough”.
Clare felt embarrassed, but excited at the idea of the PVC lined garment as she was used to wearing them; with nothing underneath, but only in private.
She turned away for modesty, and Simon threw the PVC trousers over. She slipped out of her plastic pants, not really wanting to, but sticking to the story that they are wet and not shiny vinyl.
The trousers were warm and comforting, and she hadn’t noticed that Simon had leaned over and picked up her knickers, “oh these are quite kinky aren’t they?”
Clare thought that she probably blushed, and waited for the tirade of abusive comments, but none came.

Penny didn’t really like Carl, but something about things recently meant that he seemed to be paying her attention, knowing full well that she was engaged to Simon. She didn’t like it when he hugged her as she entered the pub, dry under her new red PVC raincoat, but soaked on the outside from the pouring rain. They sat chatting waiting for the others to arrive. Carl told her that Sue was not coming as she had to run an errand for her mother, that changed the dynamic of the situation and suddenly Penny was wishing Simon would arrive. So when the text arrived, saying he was stuck at work, her heart sank.

Simon held his hands over his crotch to cover his modesty, and realised his Calvin Kleins were lost; probably back where they had firstbmet. Clare busied herself looking for more wood to add to the fire, which was starting to dwindle. Simon slipped his legs into Clare’s pants and wriggled them on. She was a lovely curvy girl, so the knickers fitted him. Clare returned and dumped the last of the old rafters onto the fire, “what you doing?”, she said, spotting Simon in her pants.
She felt annoyed, those were hers, and how dare he take them.
“I thought I should cover myself”, he replied.
“I can see your dick”, she said wryly, but her heart was beating a little faster, “those are see-through”.
“Oh, sorry”, he said, replacing his hands.
“Are they comfy?”,she asked sarcastically.
“Nice enough, I think they are nice and soft, actually quite sexy”, he moved his hand, supposedly accidentally giving her a brief view of his manhood, before replacing them. The idea that she was looking at him was starting to get him aroused.
The problem was that her knickers were not designed for men, so as his manhood grew it was pressed hard against the plastic, which only made things worse, so soon he was fully erect and straining under the soft vinyl.
Clare had only had negative reactions from men to her liking for shiny PVC, well Ryan anyway, so the fact that Simon was going along with things, and even seemed to be enjoying it was a turn on.
“This bra is still too wet, I’m sorry, but I need to dry off, I hope you don’t mind?”, she said, giving him no time to answer before releasing the clip behind her and dropping the garment forward to reveal very large boobs, which she rubbed vigorously with the towel. The feeling was lovely to be out of the damp garment.
Simon tried not to look at her erect nipples, but failed miserably.
“Oi! Stop staring you perv”, she said in a cheeky voice, but did nothing to hide her nudity from the waist up.

Penny was annoyed with Simon. She hadn’t intended for it to happen, but Carl was being very good company, and she didn’t actually mind that he kept touching her arm, after all, it wasn’t as if he was touching her bare skin, just the shiny raincoat. She was nice and warm. She considered taking off the mac, but when she went to do so, Carl seemed to stop her - not directly, but he appeared happier when she shrugged it back on over her shoulders. The rain had stopped, but the evening was cold, and it was kind of Carl to walk her back to her house, so how they ended up at his flat was a surprise. How they ended up in bed was a surprise. How he was a great fuck was a surprise. Why he insisted she put the mack back in once she was undressed was a surprise, but the effect it had in him was evident. This was a one-off, never to be repeated, she wanted to be with Simon, and would forget the size of Carl’s manhood and how it felt.

Simon couldn’t hide his excitement at the sight of Clare and made no attempt to cover his crotch. He was also enjoying the warm soft feeling of the lining of the cagoule on his bare skin, and wondered if Clare was enjoying the feel of her over trousers.
She was.
She was also enjoying the feel of his hard cock under the smooth plastic and he was enjoying her attention.
He held her. She breathed in, trying to reduce her size. He seemed not to mind though, although she knew in her heart of hearts that the topic of dieting would come up, eventually.

Clare woke, she thinks she had a good night with Ryan, she certainly ached, but it was not as pleasurable as she thought her first time would be. She was dedicated to her job, which is why she hadn’t had time for boys, well that’s what she told herself. Deep down she was embarrassed about her chunky size, and that she had discovered a liking for plastic and PVC rainwear which turned into a substitute for men, after being snubbed by Steve, and drowning her sorrow with a plastic shower cap rubbed between her legs. She knew that all men were rough in bed, and she thought she was ready for that. She looked over and Ryan was snoring next to her, despite the bright morning light filling the room through the thin curtains.
She looked down at her beloved leggings and plastic thong, both abused and discarded by this man. Suddenly she realised she had no idea how to get home since the leggings were torn, and in any case would have screamed ‘walk of shame’ had they been wearable back to her house. She checked Ryan’s wardrobe and found a pair of fleece joggers, very unflattering, but something she felt he would not miss. Leaving the PVC leggings and knickers there in the bin felt like an act of betrayal, so she bundled them up, and left.

Clare met Ryan again, he insisted. He was turning out to be the sort of boyfriend you dare not say no to. She was miserable, and trying to work out how to break it off without ending up bruised, physically and emotionally. Her new jeans and blouse were fine, as were her lacy undies, but she would rather be in PVC. The diet depressed her, which made her want to eat more, but Ryan had made it abundantly clear that she needed to lose weight. It was a theme in men as far as Clare could see; get the girl, fuck the girl, tell the girl to slim, dump the girl, girl eats cake while crying conformed only by wearing the plastic sauna suit bought for slimming but sticking to her naked skin and warming her like no man seemed to be able to.

Simon sat back with Clare lying next to him across his nylon covered chest. She was enjoying the feeling and aroma, the idea that a man would not judge her for her liking PVC, but actively enjoyed being dressed in nylon and plastic while making love, was a first. The fire was dying down, but luckily the rain had stopped and the sun had come out in the mid-afternoon. Clare’s clothes were still soaking wet and unfit to be worn yet, but they didn’t mind, just being together was enough. The plastic pants lay next to them, but carefully removed, and Clare’s PVC over trousers were crumpled on the ground, the shiny rubbery lining glistening in the new sunlight.

Penny lay on the bed waiting for Simon. She had seen Carl’s reaction to her PVC raincoat, and wanted the same from Simon. But if she was honest, her nervousness about how he would react to finding his fiancée naked except for her cherry red shiny mac, was really about how SHE would feel, knowing how things had been with Carl. She was pleased that Simon got the right message, happy that he said it was kinky, and he did indeed seem more passionate and attentive to her needs, but something was different now. Simon was not Carl and she knew he never would be.

“We’d better make a move while it’s dry, and you will need your rainwear back, I can’t have you uncovered”, Simon said kindly.
Clare grabbed her backpack, and started rummaging until she pulled out a flat cellophane package, “this is for emergencies”.
She open the pack and pulled out the shiny contents, “clothing yes, but I’m not sure it will cover much modesty”, and she unfolded a clear pink plastic two-piece rainsuit. She stood up and brushed lose dirt from her thigh, then opened the waistband of the trousers, slipping a foot down as she steadied her hand on Simon’s shoulder. Then she felt the cool slippery vinyl up the other leg as she pulled the trousers up and allowed the elastic waistband to snap around her rounded tummy. Then she undid the jacket and slipped it on, snapping the poppers in place noisily shut.
“What do you think?”
Clare didn’t need to ask, it was obvious from the reaction of Simon’s manhood that at least it approved, “very sexy, but you are right, I’m afraid I can see everything through it”.
“Everything?”, she teased.
“Yes”, he replied, eyes transfixed as the woman caressed her boobs under the pink plastic, pretending to check if her large, hard, nipples were on show.
“Maybe we should swap”, you have the cagoule and over-trousers, Simon offered.
“Oh you’d Like that, getting all naked and up close in this plastic outfit, we’ll I’m afraid pink will not suit you, in any case I think we are both getting horny!”, she teased mercilessly.
Simon had no hope of escape, but then he certainly did not want to be anywhere else but right there, with her, dressed like that.

The light was starting to fade when they both agreed that they must stop with the sex and make a move while they could still see.
Clare was now wearing her blue plastic pants under the pink suit, and luckily between the two garments, they concealed her pussy from view. She wore the damp bra - no other alternative really, and Simon had just the nylon cagoule and PVC trousers, both of which felt lovely against his bare skin. Clare stuffed her wet clothes into the rucksack, which Simon carried as a true gentleman.
After a while they were almost back to the place where Clare first came across Simon. The light was fading, but they had some reprieve as they exited the wood onto lighter, open ground, and thankfully there was some moonlight.
Suddenly there were voices ahead, Carl felt bad about what he had done, and realised late in the day that it had been cold and wet, and he had better go and find his friend. Penny, wracked with guilt, felt compelled to join the search, and it was she shimmering light of her red mac that Simon and Clare saw first as the two couples converged.
Carl wad clearly relieved to see His friend was OK, but soon he and Penny questioned who the woman was with him, and why she seemed half naked under a plastic rain suit. Penny realised that Carl was very interested in Clare - the bulge in the front of his trousers gave the game away. She jabbed him in the ribs hard!
Carl felt decidedly left out, being the only one NOT wearing anything PVC or shiny nylon.

Suddenly Simon lunged at his best friend, which took everyone by surprise, and Carl fell backwards and landed in a bramble. Simon ignored his cry of pain and set about punching him in the chest, “YOU BASTARD!”, he shouted, the nylon cagoule joined in the attack with screams of shiny nylon on nylon as he beat with his arms, “THE DAY BEFORE MY WEDDING, WITH MY FIANCÉE, YOU FUCKING BASTARD, IM GOING TO KILL YOU…”, the girls were shocked, and without any agreement, both stepped forward and grabbed an arm each and pulled Simon off. Carl staggered up, revealing red stains on the back of his white shirt where thorns had ripped his skin.
“It’s not his fault, I was unfaithful”, shouted Penny.
Simon stood frozen, not sure what to make of this news, he had assumed that Carl had forced Penny, not that she went of her own free will, but also that she WANTED him.
”come on Simon, let’s go, this is not worth it”, said Clare.
“Who the fuck are you”, asked Carl with an air of distain in his voice.
“Yes tubby, who are you anyway?”, added Penny.
“Don’t you speak to her like that bitch”, retorted Simon, suddenly realising that he didn’t know this woman’s name. The fact that they had had sex without knowing each other’s name seemed a bit kinky. True, her identity was a mystery, but that he loved being with her certainly wasn’t.
“Come on, you’re right, let’s go”, he added, taking Clare by the hand.
Penny reached out, “oh no you don’t, you are not assaulting Carl and then just wandering off, apologise NOW”, and grabbed a handful of Simon’s Peter Storm sleeve.
Clare, seeing the assault on her beloved shiny cagoule pushed Penny hard across the shoulders, making her stumble backwards, but feeling a bit of a thrill touching the gorgeous smooth PVC red mac. Penny retaliated by pushing Clare back, and soon the two girls were on the ground wrestling each other in a frenzy of vinyl shimmering in the moonlight. Simon tried to separate them, but Penny had an anger on her face that he didn’t expect, and a determination that was scary as she tore Clare’s pink plastic jacket at the top of the sleeve. Horrified at the assault, Clare stopped for a moment, but Penny continued her arrack, lashing out until she accidentally ripped the strap on the still damp bra and Clare’s boobs were exposed for the world to see.
Simon was trying desperately to calm the situation and extricate Clare from Penny’s clutches, but Carl just looked on, getting more and more aroused at seeing the women fight. For some reason, the sight of the ripped jacket was a complete turn on. He was hoping Penny might tear the plastic trousers and was staring longingly at Clare’s ample breasts bobbing wildly under the pink shiny jacket as the women fought.
Eventually Simon managed to get himself between the fighting girls and stop Penny from reaching Clare as he helped his new friend to her feet as Penny hit him hard repeatedly with her fists on his back.
The couple retreated from the scene, with Simon holding Clare who had her arms folded to try to cover her upper nudity. Suddenly Simon saw red, realising that he was the original injured party in all this mess, it was Penny who ran to Carl; they were both to blame.
He turned to see Penny had stumbled back on her feet, and had undone her raincoat so as to adjust her clothing underneath after the fight. Carl, the bastard, was not looking at her, but intently watching Clare. Simon strode over to Penny, “you are a prize bitch!”, he hissed, and before he could be stopped, had jacked the shiny red Mac from Penny’s shoulders and turned back to Clare, “you own one bra and one jacket, you can have this back when you have paid up”, he held the PVC raincoat up to demonstrate his point.
As they walked, he slipped Clare into the mac. It was too small to do up, but just about allowed her modesty to be covered.

The doorbell rang. Simon answered it. Penny stood in front of him, “here’s your money, 30 quid should do it, now can I have my raincoat back?”
She tried not to react to the fact that Simon was dressed in a black plastic two-piece suit, probably meant for the rain, but clearly being used to lounge alone about the flat in on a lazy Sunday morning. Simon retrieved the raincoat and handed it over without emotion.
Penny turned to leave.
“Who is it babe?”, Clare skipped down the hallway to see who was calling this early.
Penny huffed a goodbye as she clocked Clare wearing an identical cherry red PVC mac as hers, and because of the bare legs and feet, suspected it was all she was wearing.

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Joined: November 1st, 2014, 9:22 pm

Re: Caught in the rain

Post by yellowgirl »

nice story hope to read more chapters
Nylon macs
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Re: Caught in the rain

Post by Nylon macs »

Lovely sexy story very nice and interesting x
Posts: 243
Joined: September 24th, 2022, 7:17 pm
Location: London

Re: Caught in the rain

Post by Cagoulelover »

What a great story JM - you write really well and the images it conjures up are fantastic!
The opening paragraph in particular, the hood pulled tight to stop in whipping off in the gale - pfwwooaarrrr - love it!
Posts: 1112
Joined: June 23rd, 2019, 6:47 pm
Location: South of England

Re: Caught in the rain

Post by JellyMan »

Thanks for all the positive comments. It’s what keeps me writing!

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