Lost Property at Christmas

Stories and fantasies about rainwear.
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Lost Property at Christmas

Post by JellyMan »

Not explicit.

Sophie smiled and dug her hands deep into the pockets of her shiny puffer jacket. She was dressed against the bitter weather, but even her faux leather leggings, patent boots, and her black shiny nylon coat with fur-trimmed hood, struggled to keep the draught out. I pulled down the shutter on the lost property office.
We were inside the station, but the cold penetrated every nook and cranny. I rubbed my hands to try to get the circulation going enough to work the keys. This was it. Last shift before the holiday, and both of us were feeling festive and in need of a trip to Costa for a hot coffee.

I held my girlfriend’s arm as we walked away, loving the soft shininess as my fingers sunk into the padded nylon. I glanced down at her gorgeous round bum under the shiny faux leather leggings. “I am such a lucky man”, I thought to myself.

We sat staring into each other’s eyes, hands clasped to each other with wisps of vapour from our breaths, even inside the coffee house. I loved the feeling of my new coat against bare arms below the sleeves of my tee shirt. Where on earth Sophie managed to find a warm winter jacket that had a shiny PVC lining was beyond me, but I was mighty glad she did.
The hot coffee was a respite from the cold air, which was alive with pre-holiday chatter, and the long queue was no shorter than when we joined earlier.

The Costa was across the underground concourse within the railway station. We could see the closed, white shutters of the lost property office opposite from our window seat.
I must have seemed distracted.
“Oi! Are you listening to me?”, Sophie said in a raised voice.
I was watching someone trying the lost property side door, they seemed frantic.
My girlfriend was unable to get my attention until some thing soft and shiny hit my face.
I turned, “what, er?”, Sophie was holding a pair of clear plastic panties hanging from her index finger. I was shocked, but turned on at the vision of my lovely Sophie wielding very sexy underwear in public.
“Thought that would get your attention”, she said sarcastically, before folding the briefs and popping them back in the brown bag next to her. My mind was whirling with naughty thoughts of why she had plastic pants with her, and whether we could get to experience them later on.

We drank up and left Costa. My mind was still on the contents of that brown bag, but my eye was on the person who was still hanging around outside the lost property, looking more frantic than ever.
“Babe, I need to go check on something, do you mind?”
Sophie looked a tad annoyed, then she held up the brown bag, “if you must, but if you are too long I will go home with this all on my own”, she shook the bag to make the point.
“I’ll be quick…. promise”, I replied, and was relieved when Sophie followed as I turned towards the office.
“Can I help?”, I asked the man.
He looked distracted and wasn’t paying attention.
“Have you lost something?”, I insisted, vowing to myself to leave him and go home with my shiny girl if he didn’t reply.
He fixed my face with a look of panic, “my wife”, he stuttered, “wife’s, er…”, he paused and took a breath, “my wife’s Christmas present, I left it on the train by mistake, I must find it, lost property was my last hope, but I am too late”.
“What was it? When did you lose it? What train was it on?”, I enquired.
The man had calmed, probably relieved to share his loss with someone else, even if he didn’t think there was a chance of any resolution.
I always remember everything that is handed in; I would know immediately if there was any need to unlock the office. I could see from Sophie’s expression that she was not happy, but I did love how her hands sunk into the shiny nylon jacket as she folded her arms in disapproval.
“Sorry babe, I won’t be long”.
The man dropped the hood of his thick duffle coat. Nothing shiny or PVC there, in fact a very old fashioned garment with wooden toggles for buttons. His face was old and pale, I didn’t think someone of that age could be so spritely as he had previously been banging on the doors and pacing back and forth.
“Ebden Holt, 10:45”, he said.
My face must have looked puzzled.
“You ok Hun?”, asked Sophie.
“No trains have stopped at Ebden since, we’ll, forever”, I said, “do you mean you last saw the item when the train was near the old holt?”
The man looked cross, “no, I got on at Ebden this morning, I had a brown paper parcel, inside was a leather raincoat for my wife”, he continued, “she admired it in Parker’s window and I have saved for months to get it for her. It was very expensive and I couldn’t possibly afford a new one”.
I knew instantly that nothing like that had been handed in. Not today. Not all week since my shift started. Nothing was on the books from previous days either; I always check out what has come in, it makes it easier when the owners come asking.
I gave the man the bad news. His face dropped, all hope seemed to drain from his soul, he turned and started to shuffle away.
Something in my head, a mere inkling, something nagging. The possibility of Christmas hope.
“Shall we take a look?”, I jangled my keys.
Sophie shot me a filthy look, “so I guess you don’t want me to wear these plastic pants then?”, she wiggled the bag in her hand,
I think I went bright red, the man took no notice, but a couple of women walking by arm in arm smirked as they heard the words.
Sophie ignored them and just glared at me.
“Come on Babe, it’s a Christmas, let’s give this chap a little hope. Please?”, I think my eyes looked like sickening little puppy ones.
“Oh ok, but stop with that stupid face or I’ll make you wear them”, she retorted.
My mind was suddenly filled with that image, and a zing of electricity shot down my spine and ended up, pleasingly, in my groin.
I must have been smirking at the idea, “you can wipe that smile off your face right now”.
The man seemed oblivious to our spat, “the assistant in Parker’s told me the raincoat was not leather, but a very new kind of material that looked and felt like leather, but was easier to clean, warmer, and did not require any animal to die to make it. My wife loves nature, so maybe that is why she was drawn to it”.
We entered through the side door, leaving the shutter down so as not to give any one else the impression that lost property was open for business. The fluorescent lights blinked on, making lovely flashes on Sophie’s shiny puffer jacket.
The man walked straight to the back of the office, behind the counter, without asking. It was as if he knew where he was going.

My mind was whirling about the man saying that the raincoat was not leather. A new material that is expensive; not EVA, that’s cheap and flimsy. Looks like leather? A new type of PVC maybe? I leaned towards Sophie and whispered, “a new material that is like leather, you have to be intrigued as to what that might be?”
She smiled at me, and I could see she was thinking about the idea. She whispered back, “I’m sure Parker’s department store closed many years ago. In fact I’m sure because I picked up some rainwear bargains. I remember their sportswear department had huge bright orange closing down signs, and I recall thinking it was a crime that someone had stapled one of them to a lovely Peter Storm cagoule on a mannequin.
The thought that my girlfriend bought rainwear before I knew her suddenLy started bubbling through my mind. “What sort? where was is now? When did she wear it? Did she share it with anyone else?”, instant jealousy kicked in at the thought that I might not be her first boyfriend to enjoy her company in shiny PVC or nylon.

The lights flicked on reluctantly in the rear store, behind the bit that the public see. The man moved back and started scanning through the shelves, carelessly pushing things aside to check behind them.
“Hey, stop that, those items are all catalogued in specific places, you can’t just go moving everything around”, I protested.
The man ignored me, and I was clear that he wasn’t going to stop until every inch of the place was thoroughly searched.
Sophie went over to the rainwear rail, “I don’t suppose anything shiny has come in that I might have missed?”
“Sorry, no Babe”, I replied, knowing full well that she had checked earlier as she always did when she came to meet me at the end of my shift.
I looked at my watch, 18:45, just then there was a muffled announcement over the tannoy outside. The words couldn’t been determined. But I knew this was the 15 minute warning of the concourse area closing as it was Christmas Eve.
“Sorry, but we have to go, they will be closing the gates out to the street soon”.
The old man seemed undeterred and continued his search. Sophie pulled out a long green leather coat from the end of the rail, and held it up, “how long has this been here?”, she asked.
I looked puzzled, “oh ages, at least six months, I think it might be due for disposal soon. Nice isn’t it?”, I replied.
Sophie would look good in it, but was a bit tame and not as soft and shiny as I would have liked.
She tapped the man in the shoulder, “look your present is not here, we have all had a good look, and it’s time to face facts. But this is gorgeous, I’m sure she would love it just as much”.
The man paused and gave a weak smile, “that’s very kind, but you don’t understand, I need to find the one I bought, it is very important”.
“Bing, Bong”, the ten minute warning until doors are locked.
The man returned to the hunt.

Sophie hung the raincoat back up, “We need to go soon as I have a ton of preparation for tomorrow still to do. And these puppies can get a bit steamy after such a long time on”, she brushed her thigh, purposefully ending the gesture in her crotch area.
The thought of how warm and lovely it must be under those PVC leggings gave me an instant semi, and a bit of anger about being held up by the man,

“It’s not here”, conceded the man, just as the five minute warning sounded.
“I’m sorry to say I did tell you, now we really need to make a move”, I said.
There was a deep sadness in the man’s eyes.
“Look, I’m sure you wife will understand”, said Sophie, “take my boyfriend’s number and she can call him to confirm that we spent all afternoon looking for her present. There is just time to catch the shops before they close - what about a nice perfume?”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll just pop home”, he replied, “you have both been kind. I just need to pop via M&S and pick up their Christmas lunch for one on offer”.

“One?”, Sophie queried, “what about your wife?”
The man didn’t answer as he shuffled towards the door behind my girlfriend, with me coming up the rear with keys jangling ready to lock up, hoping the noise would hurry the man along.

A pretty young woman stood in the doorway. She was wearing a black PVC raincoat. It was buttoned up and belted and her hands were dug deep into the shiny pockets.
We turned to look at the man, but he had vanished. Where he stood there was a dapper young man dressed in a three piece suit with patent winkle-pickers on. His hair was slicked up and back, and he had a thin moustache.
The woman ran over and embraced the man, “Gerald, it was not your fault, you must stop trying to put things right, I’m very happy now, and I’ll be happier when you join me when your time comes”.
The man hugged the woman so hard his arms sank and fingers into the opulent shiny material and almost vanished.

“But Beth”, he said, “it was my fault, if I hadn’t lost your present we would not have had the row. If I had been more careful you would not have stormed out, it was because of me. You were rightfully angry, your mind was elsewhere, the truck driver said you came from nowhere and he had no time to stop. If I had been more careful, if only, then you would still be with me”.
“Look darling”, I have my present now, “she stepped back and brushed her hand over an arm”.
“How? I lost it? It was never found.”, Gerald replied.
“All things are possible where I am. Believe me, I will be waiting for you. I have been watching you over the years. Every Christmas you search, but you know you won’t find it. Every year you torture yourself. The truth is, I was wrong. I had no right to be so angry. You were a great husband; are a great husband”.
Gerald sobbed, “I miss you so much. but how are you here, now? Why now?”
“I don’t know, I think it is something to do with this place”, she waved her hand back into lost property.
“You will see me again, I promise. You just have to be patient. But for now you must let me go and live your life. I’ll be waiting”.
His arms seemed to collapse around him as Beth faded and disappeared. He stumbled forward a little spooked by the experience. The old man was back, but there was a twinkle in his eye now, a hope.

“Come on”, said Sophie, or we’ll be spending Christmas locked inside.
I knew Stan, the rail worker on the gate, “come along now, some of us have homes to go to”, he ushered but in a cheerful enough tone.
Out on the street it was still bitterly cold and had started to snow.
Sophie whispered in my ear, “can you do without your present for an extra day? Forgo the wrapping?”, she opened the top of the brown bag to reveal the shiny plastic pants, glinting in the street light.
My heart sank at the thought of what they were wrapping for, but I had a pretty good idea she was standing next to me.
“Gerald”, Sophie said, grabbing the old man by the arm, “you will be coming to us for Christmas”.
He looked a tad uncertain.
“That was not a question, you are coming to us, end of story”, she added.

I could wait an extra few hours. If anything the anticipation will add to the sexiness. Looks like it is going to be a prefect Christmas.

Happy shiny Christmas to all Rainwear Central members and guests.

Posts: 2345
Joined: March 17th, 2011, 9:03 pm
Location: Scunthorpe

Re: Lost Property at Christmas

Post by hotwilly »

A nice story for today, thanks .
Broad minded enough to acknowledge we all enjoy different things:)
Posts: 154
Joined: November 1st, 2014, 9:22 pm

Re: Lost Property at Christmas

Post by yellowgirl »

very touching story,sad about his wife but it will be alright when he joins her in heaven.Hope you are thinking about another chaperone this story
Posts: 154
Joined: November 1st, 2014, 9:22 pm

Re: Lost Property at Christmas

Post by yellowgirl »

chapter to this story
Posts: 235
Joined: January 2nd, 2023, 8:02 am
Location: England

Re: Lost Property at Christmas

Post by Cherie »

I’m working my way through the stories on this site being new to it. I love this one because it is romantic with enough sexiness to keep the imagination going.

Cherie x
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